So this weekend we decided to get out of San Jose and spend palm sunday just like Jesus did.... lying under a palm tree.

It was pretty crazy because this week is holy week, which means that everyone in Costa Rica takes a vacation, so going out there our bus was jammed full, but oddly enough we were the only gringos on the whole thing. It was like we were traveling an unexplored country or something. I felt so rustic and original. So first we took a bus to the city of Nicoya and then another to Samara, the beach where we spent the rest of our time. We got to Samara around noon, and we started walking along the beach to try and find a place. Amazingly the third place we came to, this set of little thatch cabanas right on the beach was free and 15 bucks a night. More than being on the beach and really cool looking, it also had a private bathroom in it. This is the first time we have had a bathroom of our own this entire trip.... well at least in the places we have paid for ourselves. We were extatic.
Here's the place:

We found out why it was such a deal that night. There was a bar next to the cabanas, and when we moved in they told us you can kind of hear the music at night, but we thought to ourselves, how big a deal could it be. My god.
All night i felt like i was a world war one soldier, trying to sleep in a bunker during a artillery barrage, but instead of firing bombs, the germans were firing reggeton music. The unchanging beat between songs just got louder and more bass heavy all night long. It was almost unbarable, but because i am so cheap i was determined to get through it, not just for 15$ on the beach and my own bathroom.... but mostly for that.
Strategy one: Kim suggested that i just try to make myself have a dream with the music as a soundtrack. She fell right to sleep with this... but sadly i could never really make provan starting a reggeton side project believable in my own head.
Strategy two: The second night we decided that , if you cant beat them, why not join them, so we decided we would go out, get sloppy drunk and then when the music stopped at 230 we would be fast asleep. However, having sampled some local bars earlier in the night we knew that we couldn´t really follow through with this plan by buying beers at the bar. They are cheap, but i am cheaper. So off we went to find the cheapest booze in town. After finding several touristy liquor shops with 250 mls of rum for 4$ we found the most local tico grocery store there was and bought a liter of rum for just under 6$. Oh it was cheap. So off we went with a couple gigantic rum and cokes to watch the sunset and then to go to the bar. Originally we just wanted to play some pool at the bar, but somehow we got talking to some old ex-pat from saskatawan who started telling us how the locals are trying to poison his dogs and weird things about his wife. We would have left, but he just kept on buying us drinks. When my watch said 2, and we could both barely still stand we left the bar and went back to our cabana and fell fas asleep.
SUCCESS!!.... or so it seemed.
Unfortunatly we didn't realize the terrible side-effects of consuming vast quantities of the cheapest alcohol you can find.
Here's the result:

A new strategy was needed.
Strategy three: our third night i finally came up with the brilliant idea of asking kim open ended questions like "kim... what was it like going to a private girls school?," or maybe "tell me stories about going to school at the castle." Kims monotonous and never ending stories drowned out the reggeton and i slept like a baby. The only side effect of this was that i had to hear kim talk for hours and hours on end, but eventaully i can tune it out and just fall asleep.
We stayed until tuesday morning, and then went up to Liberia to look around. There was really nothing to look at, but we did get ice cream.
it was mediocore....but the beach wasn't...the beach was awesome.... *that was the Kim comment...dave would never sound that dorky*

1 comment:
Your blog posts are starting to make Peterborough seem exciting. Luckily, whenever I have trouble sleeping, I can just click on this blog.
PS Hi Kim!
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