HOWEVER this weekend the monotony came to an end when Kim´s student Ching found the kindness in his heart to rescue us from San Jose and take us up to ¨La Paz¨ sanctuary on Saturday. It was crazy. How crazy you ask. I will show you. Look at this.

It is a private sancutary with lots of waterfalls, butterflies, hummingbirds, frogs and poisionous snakes. We were really lucky because it had rained all week, but the one day we went out it was sunny and beautiful. The place had a lot of tourists, but it was still amazing. There were butterflies the size of my full hand, and snakes so posionous they could kill you with a glance. At noon we ate lunch. It was a buffet. It was delicious.
After that we were back to jogging and police procedurals, but on our runs now we can talk about all the different snakes that could kill kim with a single bite. It is a refreshing change.
Anyways, after three arduous weeks of work, its about damn time for another vacation, although this one might be busyier because the entire country takes it off. Thats right. Costa Rica takes a whole week off for holy week, and for most people there is no better way to mourn the passing of our lord than sacraficing your skin to the sun's harmfull rays. So we are going to the pacific cost again to a place near where my parents went. They want us to go to Shakes Joe... their favourite bar. We had better go early in the week, becuse it is illegal to sell alcohol after palm sunday, which is kind of ironic considering that the Lords supper happened during that week.
also... although the stress of this site is my looks... i feel we should devote a moment to my unquestionalbe bravery

Also i thought i should just add that Kim is really excited tonight because she taught her class the term PDA (public displays of affection).... yup... ULatina now offers english for grade 8 girls.
I also inadvertently taught them what lookout meant in terms of teenage dating when they were actually talking about a fancy restaurant called that. And PDA is so still used.
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