Well... another weekend passed. I ate a lot of bread and salami. I don't know what it is about kim but she LOVES to eat salami whenever we're traveling. Like... LOVES.
Anyways we left at 630 am on Friday and went to Monteverde, which has two huge cloud forrest reserves. Its kind of the touristy place to go see monkeys... so we decided to go. We saw monkeys.
The bus ride was like 5 hours on crazy dangerous roads, which Kim snored through the whole time. We arrived in the town of St. Elena at like 1130, checked into our 12$ a night hotel (which had a lock similar to one on a bathroom door, except missing those two screws that hold the whole thing together, and went to take a canopy tour. The tour was essentially just going up for a long time to high places and then going down a series of ziplines through the rainforrest. It was amazing. From the highest point you could see both the ocean on one side and this majorly active volcano on the other.

The next day we got up really early and went to Monteverde reserve. We heard it was a 'crowd-forest' so we got there early to avoid the clouds.... i mean crowds. (man wasn't that first joke hillarious!) So we saw lots of big trees and vines and orchids and stuff. It was cool. We didn't see the crazy amount of animals we were expecting, but we did see 3 different families of howler monkeys and some other little rodent thing.

Oh.... and those weesel like things that eat trash. There were lots of them near the entrance. Eating trash. Oh the majesty.
At one point we were standing on the continental divide... where on one side all rivers go east and the other they all go west. We celebrated by eating bananas. They were mushy from being in the bottom of the pack. So was Kim. Amazing geography just gets to her. WOMEN!!
Our final day we wandered around eating ice cream and Salami (leave it to kim) until 230 when we took our bus home. As we came into our compound at 830 at night we heard a strange buzzing, and saw our kookey neighbours had invited over their friend the tattoo artist and he was getting a giant eagle tattoo in his living room while watching Simpsons. Thats so like him.
As the sound of the electric needle rocked us slowly to sleep we both leaned back and thought, it's great to be home. Well not really home... but in our pink appartment.
Be well.
hey kim,
i'm glad to hear that you're continuing the tradition of bread and salami. my only concern is the apparent lack of cheese. what are you thinking of, seriously? anyways i have two exams tommorrow so i decided i would take the opportunity to catch up on your blogs and post for the first time. also, i have two requests. a) dude! you have to post more! i like it when you insult dave :D remember, because of current cultural norms etc., its always funnier when girls belittle/abuse guys vs the other way around b) could you go on a communist era train through a temperate/cold climate zone with only one sponge towel between the both of you and an insufficient amount of salami and bread. hilarity will certainly ensue...for me at least.
p.s. hi dave
We actually had cheese too...from the cheese factory. It was awesome. I´m pretty sure Dave has low self esteem, so I can´t make fun of him too much.
Also, we only took my small sponge towel with us. Dave had the first shower. He took 20 minutes and said it was hot (which was nice cause that can be rare at hostels here). I went next. Mine was cold. And I had a wet towel. Good weekend.
Rock those exams.
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