Oh... Hi there. Didn't see you come in. What are the odds you'd be walking down Avenida de Cultura in beautiful San Pedro. Well... since you're in the neighbourhood, why not come inside my walled community and have a delicious cup of Costa Rican coffee. We have so much to catch up about!!!

Well.... Here it is. I know the windows are kind of blocked by staircases, but we like darkness. Also Dave, my charming boyfriend, loves being on the first floor because theres a coconut tree outside the front door that has some small buds on it that he's convinced will turn into coconuts, which he wants to pick and give out to the city's less fortunate. I always ask him why he cares so much about other people, and he always replies, becuase I'm a great guy, and thats what great guys do. I'm so luckey.

This is our lovely living room. The walls are pink and stucco. DONT YOU JUST LOVE IT. Have a seat in one of our many peices of wicker furniture. I know its not too comfortable, but isn't it rustic and tropical. I'll make us a cup of coffee.

MMMMMMMMMM..... Fresh Costa Rican Coffee, made the old fashioned way, by pouring water through a dirty old canvas bag into an old tin cup. I feel so authentic! Lets go enjoy our coffee in the living room, shall we.

Do you have enough sugar... or as we say here... AZUCA!!!! This is our library, which features our amazing entertainment unit. Dave also uses this room to store and play his cheap guitar he bought at a market, and hopes to pawn off on somebody at a hostel before we leave. This is also the wall through which we can hear such favourites as 'my humps' any time of the day or night... esspecially night. Oh that neighbour Bryan. He doesn't speak any English, but he is a character. Speaking of Dave, lets go see what he's up to.

Here's Dave, toiling away in the study writing post cards. Boy, he sure never stops thinking about folks back home. This is the one non-pink place in our house, so i thought it was a good place to put the calander i found in a case of Dave's beer.
While you're in the neighbourhood, I might as well show you where we work. Its just about 10 minutes down the railroad tracks from our house.

This is Universidad Latina, our new place of professorship. The main campus has two huge buildings, with several smaller buildings nearby. This is the medical and science building you're looking at now. Actually today is a big day because the Med school is having its graduation right now in the next room. Neat... huh? You might notice the proud motto: Compromiso Serio. We're both pretty sure that that translates to
'A SERIOUS COMPROMISE'... which we think means something good in spanish. All i know is that if i had a doctor who had to comprimise on their education, I would prefer one who took that compromise seriously.

Anyways, I should get back home. I'm sure Dave has cooked something great by now. I really hope its beans tonight. Thanks for coming by!!!
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