April 13, 2010

Three Countries, Two Days

Flight from Vancouver to Hong Kong was diverted to Taipei due to a medical emergency, so we added another country to the trip. I'm pretty sure I saw Taipei 101 while we were landing, or at least I will forever say I did. Becasue of that we missed our connection to Mumbai and were forced to live it up at the best airport hotel in the world 24 hours (a photo will come later which will make this funnyish). So, with our free day in Hong Kong we went into town and saw fish that were filleted but still had beating hearts and moving gills. Pretty appetizing. We also rode massive out door escelators and made all of our belongings smell like those steamed buns you get for dim sum.

We finally got to India at like 2am on Sunday.
Despite the fantastic wine and move selection, on 24 or so hours spent on Cathay Pacific I was disappointinly called sir only once (see last post).

I made up for this in my first hour in India where I was called sir about 27,000 times.

Also in our steriotypical first day we: visited Hindu shrines, were asked to pose for pictures with an indian family, were asked to be extras in a bollywood movie, were unexpectidly bindi'd, saw a man draging a woman by her hair into the middle of an intersection, saw some cows.

Now we're in Udaipur. Its HOT, but its like a dry hot soo. Opening the window in a taxi feels like you're putting your face up to a hairdryer.

kim sends her love.
photos when not lazy.

*Fun Fact:  I always thought the wheel on the India flag it was a Karma wheel or something Hindu, but it is actually Ghandi's spinning wheel, and the idea of manual labour bringing people together.

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