In the run up to the Commonwealth Games, Delhi has invested in massive expansions to its metro system. Unlike most of the city which is fairly dirty, the subway is spotless and ultra modern (also... it uses bombardier trains). The smart card system isn't quite there yet, and it seems like most people still have to line up at a booth to get an individual scan disk for every trip. However, after weeks of being hassled and hustled by auto rickshaw drivers, nothing gave me more satisfaction than to respond to their questions of "where are you going," with "To the Metro." This made them upset.
We went to Akshardam temple, which is the largest hindu temple in the world, complete with rides, a food court, and imax movie and a music and light water show. It was hilarious because it was quite religious around this particular guru, but then also crazy nationalistic. The boat ride teaches you that India invented EVERYTHING.
No cameras were allowed inside the complex, but here is an image from their website of the anamatronic life story of the first guru.
I also got to run in a stampede because they wouldn't let men in for like 40 mins. The men around me were teaching me stampede etiquette. It was great.
Right now we're in Amritsar. I also got an indian mobile, so if you're rich / bored call 91-954-007-6859
I'll likely be asleep.
well.... at least its a rolex
Finally...a note from Kim in her series of favourite India commercials (which always also seem to have someone from Bollywood in them). This ad is for a drink, Mirinda.