June 22, 2006

Here are some pictures...we are lazy

so we are in florence right now. it is hot. in the past few days we saw venice and cinque terre. sort of hot and quite hot respectively. italian women and salami likewise. i guess we will look at proceless works of art here or something. we will also shower a lot. the last place we were at timed our showers which is good to save the planet but kind of bad because it really cuts down the amount of time i have in which to catch diseases on my feet.

now photos...

ok photos later...the computer is not agreeing with the camera. well...at least now we can go outside and have a relaxing night of horn honking or angry italians...either wy the world cup is awesome.

thinking of you constantly


1 comment:

energizerbonny said...

murgle murgle
vancouver misses you kim!!! we are going to saltspring for canada day, and i am in the process of screening the city's late night establishments so that we attend only the choicest upon your return. also do you wanna go bungee jumping at whistler aug 6th? oh, and don't talk to strangers.