Anyways I know why you´re all here, for the PHOTOS:

So we couldn´t see all that much. The bus driver explained why to us in Spanish. Kim thought he said it was clouded over; however I translated what he said as meaning the volcano was making so much smoke that it was hard to see cause there was too much lava. We agreed to disagree.
Later on I took this other picture by myself.

Kim put the numbers in to represent the different parts of the volcano. number six is the Carribean Sea. Yup. We could see all the way to the ocean.
Also the park was home to a rare type of cloudforrest squirrel. We tried really hard to find it, but all we could see were stupid regular squirrels. What a drag.
Tonight we will eat beans, rice and meat.I can´t wait.
dave and kim
Oh, i also went to the bank and the recipt told me i´m a millionaire. Unfortunatly it´s in colones.
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